What is Slow Travelling?
Slow Travelling means travelling ecologically, sustainably and consciously. Taking ecological factors into account it is, so to speak, a journey to oneself and to one's own values.
Slow Travelling focuses on a relaxed, environmentally friendly holiday. While sightseeing and tourist hotspots take a back seat, your holiday ideal with all its individual needs is essential. Slow Travelling is no longer about collecting a multitude of holiday impressions, but about really enjoying intensively.
What does Slow Travelling mean to us?
For us, Slow Travelling means more than just taking a holiday.
The values of sustainability and regionality are reflected in all areas of our resort, for example, in the way our farmhouses are built, in the food we offer and in our hospitality. The individual with all of his or her needs is our top priority. Our resort offers the perfect setting to find yourself again, to create individual holiday experiences and to enjoy your time. With us you will find a place of boundless freedom and warmth at the same time.
im Sommer
Saftig grüne Wiesen, wärmende Sonnenstrahlen und wunderbares Bergpanorama schaffen einen einzigartigen Urlaub im Slow Travel Resort Kirchleitn.
Der Sommer hier ist geprägt von den Elementen der Natur, der liebevollen Gastfreundschaft und den unendlichen Möglichkeiten, die diese Region zu bieten hat. Die märchenhaften Wanderpfade und die spektakulären Mountain Bike Trails direkt vor Ihrer Tür ermöglichen es Ihnen, die idyllische Umgebung von St. Oswald ausgiebig zu erkunden. Die türkisblauen Badeseen in der Gegend versprechen eine erfrischende Abkühlung an sonnigen Sommertagen und vergnügten Badespaß für Groß und Klein. Nehmen Sie sich Ihre persönliche Auszeit in der einzigartige Region Bad Kleinkirchheim und schaffen Sie unbezahlbare Erinnerungen mit Ihren Liebsten, an die Sie ewig zurück denken werden.
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Arrive. Spend time. Relax.
Kolmnock – Unterkirchleitn
552-6 PeopleReading a book by the cosy warm tiled stove, spending time with your loved ones or simply enjoying the peace and quiet. Our Stubn “Wiesernock” offers you everything you need for a relaxing holiday….
Wiesernock – Oberkirchleitn
552-6 PersonsRead a book by the cozy warm tiled stove, spend time with your loved ones or simply enjoy the peace and quiet. Our Stubn “Wiesernock” offers you everything you need for a relaxing vacation……
Mallnock – Oberkirchleitn
552-6 PeopleSpend relaxing hours, enjoy the view of nature – simply switch off. Our “Mallnock” Stubn offers you the perfect setting for this….
Steinnock – Oberkirchleitn
352-4 PersonsOur “Steinnock” Stubn gives you a feeling of security as soon as you enter. The cozy living-sleeping area with the tiled stove invites you to relax with your loved ones……
Rosennock – Unterkirchleitn
352-4 PeopleOur “Steinnock” Stubn gives you a feeling of comfort as soon as you enter. The cosy living-sleeping area with the tiled stove invites you to relax and simply enjoy the time with your loved ones. This aparment…